Writing 9 form

Form 9, semester I

1) Translate into Ukrainian.
1. a background
2. an opportunity
3. a passion
4. to impress
5. a message
6. a contestant
7. to spread
8. popularity
9. to view
10. a representative
2) Translate into English.
1. покоління
2. впливати
3. привабливий
4. творчість
5. існування
6. супутник
7. канал
8. джерело
9. хоча
10. диктор
3) Match the word combinations and translate them.
1. to get smth
2. to gain
3. to use one’s
4. wooden
5. marine
6. slave
a fortune
4) Divide verbs into 2 groups: which we use only with the gerund and which we use with the gerund as well as with the infinitive. Make up 5 sentences.
to enjoy, to continue, to stop, to go on, to give up, to finish, to prefer, to love, to begin, to be worth, to hate, to stop.
5) Copy, fill in with who, whose, that, where, which, when and add commas.
1. London … is the capital of England has a population of 10 million people.
2. I like to visit places … nobody else goes.
3. I spoke to the woman … daughter I know.
4. In London … he studies he has spent 3 years already.
5. Elen is the girl … lives next door.
6) Write about your favourite programme.

Form 9, semester IІ

1) Translate into Ukrainian.
an invention
to contribute
to explore
a title
a fin
a tusk
a challenge
an aptitude
an intuition
2) Translate into English
1. лагодити
2. теорія
3. перевага
4. ступінь
5. закінчувати ВУЗ
6. кит
7. ріг
8. талановитий
9. вимагати
10. слава
11. діагноз
12. поверхня
3) Match the word combinations and translate them.
a branch
to get
to become
to be
to take
to be
under the pressure
a degree
in danger
of science
upon responsibility
4) Write a list of subjects or studies and person who is an expert in the studies.
5) Translate into Ukrainian and make up sentences.
1. get up
2. run away
3. turn into
4. put on
5. look after
6. take away
7. get along
8. run over
9. turn on
10. put off

6) Write about your plans for future and qualities that make you a good specialist.

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