Reading 8 Form




Long, long ago there was a lake of cold water in Kenya. Many animals came at night to the lake to drink some water. But people never came to the lake at night: the animals could kill and eat them.
Now, a rich man who had a beautiful daughter once said: „The young man, who will go to the lake in the evening and stay in the cold water till morning, will have my daughter for his wife."
There lived a poor young man who loved the rich man's daughter very much. He said to his mother, „I shall try to stay all night in the lake and then marry my dear girl".
„No, no", the mother said, „you are my only son!". The water in the lake is very cold, and the animals will eat you up. Don't go there!" She cried and cried, but her son said: „Mother, don't cry, I must try. I love her so much!"
So the young man went to the girl's father. He told him that he wanted to go to the lake and stay in the cold water all night. The rich man sent his servants to the place where they could watch the young man.
When night carne, the young man went to the lake and his mother followed him, but he didn't see her. There was a hill forty paces away from the place where the young man went into the water. The woman climbed up the hill and made up a fire there. The wild animals saw the fire and were afraid to go near that place.
The young man saw the fire too. He understood that his mother was there. He thought of his mother's love, and it was easier for him to stay all night in the very cold water.
Morning came. The young man went to the rich man's house. The rich man saw him and said, „My servants say that there was a fire on the hill forty paces from the lake. It warmed you and that is why you could stay all night in the water. So you can't marry my daughter. Good-bye".
The young man was very angry. He went to the judge. “Well”, he judge said, „this is a very simple case".
The next morning the young man with his mother and the rich man with his servants came before the judge. There were many people there who wanted to hear the case.
The judge asked for a pot of cold water. Then he walked forty paces from the pot and made a fire. „Now", he said, „we shall wait a little until the water is warm". The people cried: „But the fire is so far away, it can't warm the water in the pot". Then the judge said: „How could that young man warm himself at a fire forty paces away?"
So the case was over, and the young man married the rich man's daughter. They lived happily for many years.

I Read the text and put “+” if the sentence is right and “-“if one is false.

There was a river of cold water in Kenya.

A rich man had a beautiful daughter.

A poor young man loved his daughter very much.

Mother wanted that her son married the rich man’s daughter.

The rich man sent his servants to the lake.

There was a hill thirty paces away from the lake.

The mother made a fire to warm the place.

II Find the correct answer.

1. What was the lake famous for?

a) for its good clear water; b) for its animals living close to it; c) for the fact that people were afraid to go there at night; d) for the fact that the lake was very old.

2. What did a rich man want the young man to do?

a) to go to the lake; b) to stay in the cold water; c) to stay in the river all night; d) to marry his daughter

3. Why did the mother cry?

a) because she worried about her son; b) because she was afraid of animals; c) because the water was too cold. d) because she wanted her son to marry.

4. Where did the mother go?

a) to the lake; b) to the forest; c) to the rich man; d) to the hill

5. What helped the young man to stay in the lake all night?

a) wild animals; b) the servants; c) his mother's great love; d) his love to the girl

6. Who came before the judge?

a) the young man, his mother, servants and the rich man; b) the rich man and his daughter; c) people who wanted to hear the case; d) the young man and the servants who watched him

8. What did the judge prove?

a) that there was no fire on the hill; b) that the water in the lake was warm;

c) that the young man loved the girl; d) that the fire couldn't warm the water in the lake

III Complete the sentences with the correct words

Many animals came at night to the lake to...

The young man said: “I’ll try to stay all night in the lake and then ...

His mother followed him but at first he ...

The wild animals saw the fire and ...

They lived happily for ...

IV In several sentences prove that mother really loved her son.




    Some people think that as more and more people have televisions in their homes; fewer and fewer people will buy books and newspapers. Why read an article in the newspaper, when the TV news can bring you the information in a few minutes and with pictures? Why read a novel, when a play on television can tell you same story with colour, picture and action?
Why read the biographies of famous men and women, when an hour-long television programs can tell you all that you want to know?
Television has not killed reading, however. Today, newspapers and magazines are sold in very large numbers. And books of every kind are sold more than ever before. Books are still a cheap way to get information and entertainment. Although some books with hard covers are expensive, many books are published today as paperback books, which are reasonably cheap. A paperback novel, for example, is almost always cheaper than an evening at the cinema or theatre, and you can keep a book forever and read it many times.
     Books at home are a wonderful source of knowledge and pleasure and some types of books should be in every home. Every home should have a good dictionary. Every home should have an atlas of the world, with large clear maps. It might be expensive, but a good encyclopedia is useful, too, because you can find information on any subject. In addition, it is useful to have on your bookshelves other non-fiction books such as history books, science textbooks, cookery books, books about medicine and health, etc. It is equally important to have some fiction on your shelves, too. Then you can relax with a good story, or from time to time you can take a book of poems off your shelves and read the thoughts and feelings of your favourite poets.


I Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right

1. article a) a book that is used to study a school subject atlas b) a publication that comes out weekly or monthly

...a biography c) a book with maps of the world

...a novel d) usually a cheap book with a soft cover

...a textbook e) a story about a real person

...a dictionary f) a piece of writing in a newspaper

...a poem g) a book of word definitions

...a paperback h) usually a short piece of writing expressing a deep  feeling or thought

9. ...a magazine i) a story about people who are not real

II Choose the best answer according to the information in the passage

1. Which is easier to get the news from?

a newspaper

the television

2. Which is usually quicker?

to read a biography of a famous person

to watch a television programme about a famous person

3. Which is usually cheaper?

a paperback

an evening at the cinema

4. Which is usually cheaper?

a paperback

a hardcover book

5. Which is it most important to have in your home?

non-fiction books, such as a dictionary and an encyclopedia

fiction, such as novels, short stories and books of poems

a mixture of both good non-fiction and your favourite fiction.
III Which of the following are non-fiction and which are fiction? Put the words into the two columns

Atlas, novel, short story, textbook, play, dictionary, encyclopedia, poem.

IV Write a short review of the book you've read and liked very much. Be sure to mention the title of the book, say a few words about the author, describe the scene of the action, main characters and ideas.

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