неділя, 6 грудня 2015 р.

New Year is coming.....

New Year's Resolutions

I've left this most typical tradition for the end of the Christmas season ...
New Year's Resolutions:
"New Year's Day is a time of new beginnings, so people often make new year's resolutions---promises or goals they hope to accomplish during the coming year. Such resolutions often include losing weight, getting in shape, or eating a healthy diet. Other resolutions might deal with improving one's relationship with a family member or friend. Sometimes, these resolutions are short lived, that is, people don't follow through on their plans. However, the new year gives people opportunities to change and improve their lives." (from dailyesl)

Let's find out more about them: The Top 10 Resolutions for the"Exercise Impaired" ( lazy ones).
You can listen to people talking about them: 1 , 2,  (intermediate) 3 (advanced).
And this video is about them too, there's an exercise about it.The Learning English BBC series "The Flatmates" has a chapter about Resolutions too.

Finally, some of you are going to watch the
Friends Episode "The one with All the Resolutions"
and we'll do 
these activities
 about it.

So, Happy New  Coming Year and Be brave...
Keep your Resolutions!

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