Pink “Family Portrait”

Для вивчення нового лексичного матеріалу, розвитку комунікативних навичок та вдосконалення навичок аудіювання з англійської мови я пропоную Вам пісню Pink «Family Portrait».
Словничок до пісні :
Painful - болісний
Nasty - огидний, нудотний; противний, мерзенний
Shelter- дах, пристановище, притулок, укриття, прикриття, захист; заступництво
To work out- вирахувати, справлятися , добитися, відпрацювати
To destroy- знищувати
To hurt- заподіювати біль; кривдити; ображати; болісно зачіпати
Stepbrother- мачуха
To promise- обіцяти
To stand - витримувати, виносити, переносити; піддаватися; (іноді for) виносити, терпіти
Naturally- природньо
Pretend - вдавати
Choice - вибір
Yelling - кричати, волати, репетувати,
To split - сваритисяозколювати, відколювати, відокремлювати
Pink “Family Portrait”
Mama please stop cryin'
I can't stand the sound
Your pain is painful and it's
Tearing me down
I hear glasses breaking
As I sit up in my bed
I told God you didn't mean
Those nasty things you said
You fight about money
'Bout me and my brother
And this I come home to
This is my shelter
It ain't easy, growin' up in world war 3
Never knowin' what love could be
You'll see, I don't want love to destroy me
Like it has done my family
Can we work it out (Can we)
Can we be a family (Can we)
I promise I'll be better (I promise)
Mommy I'll do anything (I'll do anything)
Can we work it out
Can we be a family
I promise I'll be better
Daddy please don't leave
Daddy please stop yelling (stop)
I can't stand the sound (can't stand the sound)
Make mama stop cryin'
'Cause I need you around (yeah yeah yeah)
My mama she loves you (I know it)
No matter what she says is true
I know that she hurts you
But remember I love you too!
I ran away today, ran from the noise
Ran away (ran away)
Don't wanna go back to that place
But don't have no choice, no way
In our family portrait (In our family portrait)
We look pretty happy (We look pretty happy)
Let's play pretend, let's act like it
Comes naturally
I don't wanna have to split the holidays
I don't want two addresses (no no)
I don't want a stepbrother anyway
And I don't want my mom to have to change her last name!
In our family portrait
We look pretty happy
We look pretty normal
Let's go back to that
In our family portrait
We look pretty happy
Let's play pretend, act like it
Goes naturally
Don't leave... Daddy don't leave...
Daddy the night you left
You took my shining star
Daddy don't leave...
Mama'll be nicer
I'll be so much better I'll tell my brother
I won't spill the milk at dinner
I'll be so much better I'll do everything right
I'll be your little girl forever

Вставте пропущені слова зі списку
Painful, nasty, a shelter, to work out, to destroy, to hurt, a stepbrother, happy, to stand, naturally.
а) Let's stay at home, the weather is ____________.
b) Her mother got married for the second time and her _________ was born a year later.
c) The war is meant to _______ everything around.
d) When the rain started we decided to find a ______.
e) What I like most about children is that they do everything _________.
f) Extraction of a tooth is quite _______ but quite often it's just necessary.
g) "I'm sorry, I didn't want to______ you", - he said.
h) Though the task is pretty difficult, we'll have to ___ it____ .
i) She was so _____ when he proposed to her that she kissed him passionately and laughed.
j) Her boyfriend used to smoke in the kitchen and she couldn't ______ it.
а) Let's stay at home, the weather is nasty.
b) Her mother got married for the second time and her stepbrother was born a year later.
c) The war is meant to destroy everything around.
d) When the rain started we decided to find a shelter.
e) What I like most about children is that they do everything naturally.
f) Extraction of a tooth is quite painful but quite often it's just necessary.
g) "I'm sorry, I didn't want to hurt you", - he said.
h) Though the task is pretty difficult, we'll have to work it out.
i) She was so happy when he proposed to her that she kissed him passionately and laughed.
j) Her boyfriend used to smoke in the kitchen and she couldn't stand it.

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