Listening 9 form


One winter evening a poor peasant sat near the fire talking with his wife about one of their neighbours who was a rich man.
"If only I had a little money myself", he said, "I should open my own shop".
"I", answered his wife, "should not be satisfied with that, I should be happy if I lived in a big house, and then, if I saw people like ourselves, I should help them and try to make everybody happy. But we are no longer in the time of fairies. If only I could meet one of them, it would not take me long to decide what to ask of her".
Hardly had she said these words when a beautiful young lady appeared in their room and told them she was a fairy willing to grant their first three wishes. But she said they should choose carefully as she could allow them no more than three wishes. Then the beautiful lady disappeared.
At first the husband and wife were astonished. Then they began discussing the first wish that it would be best to have. They quarreled for a long time and finally decided to wish for nothing for a while and put it off till the next day.
The woman looked at the bright fire and said without thinking: "Oh, it would be a good thing to have a good sausage for our supper". And a long thick sausage fell on their table. The husband got very angry and began scolding his wife. "Isn't that a fine wish? You're such a stupid woman! I wish this sausage would stick to your nose!" This was hardly said when the sausage jumped up and stuck to the poor woman's face.
The husband understood that he himself had been even more foolish than his wife, but no matter how he tried he could not tear the sausage off his wife's nose. "If you had not wished to have this beauty sausage, I should not have wished it to stick to your nose", said the husband.
Finally they realized that they had only one wish left. They thought for a long time and agreed to have their last wish. They wished the sausage to fall on the table, which it did.

I Listen to the text and put “+” if the sentence is right and “-” if one is false

1 One spring evening a poor peasant sat near the fire talking with his wife.

2 They were talking about one of their neighbours who was a rich man.

3 They had their own shop.

4 The woman wanted to meet a fairy.

5 A young lady appeared in their room and told them that she was their neighbour.

6 They were astonished.

7 They began to discuss their first wish and were ready to tell about it in ten minutes.

8 They wanted to have supper first of all.

9 The husband understood that he himself had been even more foolish than his wife.

10 Finally they wished to have a beautiful house.

II Choose the correct answer

1) What were they talking about near the fire?

A. about money

B. about a rich man

C. about a poor peasant

D. about winter

2) What would the peasant do, if he had money?

A. buy sausage

B. build a new house

C. open his own shop

D. help poor people

3) What is happiness for a woman?

A. to live in a big house

B. to have a rich neighbour

C. to have a shop

D. to have many wishes

4) Who could help them to become happy?

A. a rich man

B. a stranger

C. a fairy

D. relatives

5) What was a fairy willing to do?

A. to get dinner for them

B. to ask money

C. to sit near the fire

D. to realize their first three wishes

6) What does the word "astonish" mean?

A. to be pleased

B. to surprise

C. to quarrel

D. to satisfy

7) What did the husband and wife do when they heard the fairy's will?

A. they quarrelled with her

B. they decided to wish for something at once

C. decided to put it off till the next day

D. they asked her to sit near the fire

8) How did they feel when they got their first wish?

A. were happy

B. angry

C. frightened

D. hungry

9) What was their first wish?

A. bright fire

B. much money

C. a big house

D. a good sausage

10) What was their last wish?

A. to stick the sausage to the wife's nose

B. to have good appetite

C. to tear the sausage off the wife's nose

D. to fall on the table

III Complete the sentences

1 One winter evening a poor peasant sat near…

2 If only I had a little money myself I should…

3 At first the husband and wife were…

4 And a long thick sausage fell on…

5 Finally they realized that they had only one…

IV Express your attitude to the behaviour of the husband and the wife (8 – 10 sentences)


Jim Thorpe was perhaps the greatest athlete the United States has ever had.
James Francis Thorpe was born on May 28, 1888 in Oklahoma.
First he went to a public school for Indians near his home. In 1904 he entered the Carlisle Indian School. He did not have enough money to study full-time and had to interrupt his education several times as he had to earn his living.

The director of athletics at Carlisle was Glenn Warner, a famous athletic coach. Warner began to train Thorpe for football and track. Jim became the best American football player. He also competed in baseball, basketball, tennis and swimming.
In 1912 the Olympic Games were held in Stockholm. Never before in the history of the Modern Olympics had one man competed in both pentathlon and decathlon at one meeting of the Olympic Games. Thorpe did this and he won two gold medals.
According to the rules only amateur athletes can take part in the Olympic Games. One of the reporters discovered that Thorpe had earned 25 dollars a month playing baseball during two summer vacations some years before. He was not therefore an amateur athlete and he had to return his gold medals. The men who came second in the pentathlon and decathlon refused to take them saying they really belonged to Thorpe.
Thorpe decided to give up amateur athletics. He became a professional baseball and football player. He continued to play professional football and baseball until 1929.
Since 1929 Thorpe had odd jobs: he worked as a laborer in California, sometimes he played the part of an Indian in movies about the old West.
On March 28, 1953 Thorpe died in the town of Lomita, California, a poor lonely man not quite 65 years old.

I Agree or disagree

1 Jim Thorpe was the greatest athlete the United Kingdom has ever had.

2 He was born on June 28, 1888 in Oklahoma.

3 He didn't have enough money to study full-time.

4 He had to interrupt his education only once as he had to earn his living.

5 The director of athletics at Carlisle, who began to train Jim, was John Warner.

6 Jim Thorpe became the best American coach.

II Choose the correct answer.

1 Jim went to a public school...

A for black people

B for Indians

C for poor people

2 Warner began to train Thorpe for...

A handball and track

B football and track

C football, track and volleyball

3 In 1912 the Olympic Games were held in...

A Sydney

B Strasbourg

C Stockholm

4 Thorpe competed at one meeting of the Olympic games in both pentathlon and decathlon and won...

1 the gold medals

B the silver medal

C the silver medal and the gold one

5 Thorpe had earned 25 $ a month playing ... during two summer vacations some years before he won his medals.

A football

B baseball

C basketball

6. Thorpe decided to give up amateur athletics because...

A he wanted to become a professional football player

B one of the reporters discovered that he hadn't been an amateur athlete taking part in the Olympic Games

C he wanted to become a basketball instructor

III Fill in the gaps

1 Jim Thorpe perhaps the greatest athlete the United States…

2 James Francis Thorpe was born on May 28, 1888 in…

3 The director of athletics at Carlisle was Glenn Warner…

4 In 1912 the Olympic Games were held in…

5 Thorpe decided to give up amateur athletics, he became a professional…

IV Give facts proving that Jim Thorpe was one of the best athletes in the history of sport in the USA (10 sentences)

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