Listening 6 form


Christmas season is the most festive time of the year in Britain and in the United States. Students at schools and colleges usually have a 2 week vacation, beginning before Christmas and ending soon after the New Year. There are a lot of parties to celebrate the birth of Christ and the arrival of the New Year.
Although no one knows exactly when Jesus was born. Christians everywhere in the world celebrate his birthday on December 25th . This day was a festival long before Christianity because ancient people believed this was time when the son god started his journey back to the earth and it was a custom to give presents to each other.
Now children are told that Santa Claus or Father Christmas in a red suit, red hat and with a long white beard puts presents for them into their stockings by the fireplace.
The winter tradition of decorating homes with evergreens began in ancient times too.
Branches of fir were thought to bring good luck and guarantee the return of spring. The Germans were the first to use the Christmas tree in their celebrations.
In the 19th century the decorated fir tree became popular in Europe and in the USA. Carol singers began to go from house to house in groups singing traditional Christmas songs asking for charity.
The greeting cards are sent on Christmas too. The most popular wishes on these holiday cards are: “Merry Christmas”, “Peace on Earth”.

I. Find true and false statements.

1.Christmas is the most widely celebrated festival in Great Britain.

2.The 25th of December was celebrated after Christmas.

3.Students have a month winter vacations.

4.Ancient people gave each other presents at this time.

5.Father Christmas puts children’s presents into stockings by the fireplace.

6.It is a modern tradition to decorate the house with a fir tree. 

II. Choose the right answer.

1.How many days of vacation have the students got at schools and colleges?

a week vacation

a 10 days vacation

a 2 weeks vacation

3 months vacation

2.When do people usually celebrate the birth of Christ?

on the 25th of December

on the 20th of December

after the New Year

long before the New Year 

3. What did the ancient people believe in?

they believed in god

that was the time the sun god started his journey back to the earth

that the ancient people were very kind

they believed in their happy future 

4. What are the children told?

they are told that everything will be all right

the Santa Claus dressed in a red suit puts presents for them in their stockings

the Father Christmas will sing them songs

they will celebrate the New Year around the fir tree 

5. When did the tradition of decorating homes begin?

many centuries ago

two weeks ago

at present days

in ancient times 

6. What did ancient people think of the branches of fir?

they would bring them good luck and return of spring

they would bring them good mood

they would bring them much bread and butter

they would bring them happiness

III. Complete the sentences

1.Students at schools and colleges usually have a … vacation.

2.There are a lot of parties to celebrate the birth of … and the arrival of the … .

3.The winter … of decorating homes with evergreens began in ancient times.

4.The Germans were the first to use the … in their celebrations.

IV. Write down what you have remembered about Christmas celebrations.


    Ancient manuscripts tell that the Greek commander Alexander Makedonsky used to have different fruits arid juices mixed with ice and snow for dessert.
In Russia for holidays people used to put a dish with frozen little pieces of sweet milk next to the dish with pancakes. In old times in some countries the recipes of cold dainties were kept in secret, for their divulgence the court cooks could be sentenced to death. Besides, it wasn't easy to cook ice cream, especially in summer. Ice and snow were delivered to Alexander Makedonsky's palace from the mountains. Later peo­ple began to sell ice. The ships with huge blocks of ice would hurry to the shores of the hot countries. That lasted till the first ice-making machines appeared. They were called refrigerators. That happened about one hundred years ago. Now ice cream is sold everywhere and of any kinds: fruit and berry, milk and chocolate. And it is available to everybody.
   By the way, if you have a sweet tooth you can make ice cream your­self. It's quite easy for those who can cook. The recipe is not a secret: eggs, sugar, milk, sour cream are mixed together, boiled for one or two minutes, cooled and frozen in the refrigerator. Add some nuts-or jam and enjoy this delicious product.

I. Say if the sentence is true false:

1.The Greek commander Alexander Makedonsky used to have fruits and juices mixed with ice and snow for dessert.

2.Russian people usually ate frozen pieces of sweet juice with pan- cakes for holidays.

3.In old times the cook who had told somebody the recipe of ice cream could be sentenced to death.

4.Ice and snow were made at the court of Makedonsky, there were no problems with it

5.People used to sell ice.

6.The ships with huge blocks of ice would bring ice from the shores of the hot countries.
II. Fill in the words

1.In old times in some countries … of cold dainties were kept in secret.

2.Besides, it wasn't easy to cook ice cream, especially in … .

3.The ships with huge blocks of ice would hurry to the shores of the … .

4.That lasted till the first … machines appeared.

5.Now ice cream is sold … and of any kinds.

6.By the way, if you have a sweet tooth you can make … yourself. 

III. Answer the questions 

Which of Greek commanders liked to have fruits and juices mixed with ice and snow for dessert?

Was there a kind of ice cream in Russia in old times?

What was it like?

Were the recipes of ice cream available to everybody?

Where did the cooks of Alexander Makedonsky get ice and snow for ice cream?

How were the blocks of ice carried to hot countries?

IV. Write the recipe of the ice cream

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