Listening 5 form


Parrots live in the forests of South America, where summer lasts all the year round, where leaves are always green. The parrots make their homes in the forest, because there they can find shade in the heat of the day.
Parrots eat fruit and nuts. They like wild cherries best of all. They like them because of the stones. The beak of the parrot is very sharp and it cracks these stones easily.
Parrots like to bathe very much. They fly about till they find water. They dip into the water and splash it over their feathers. Then they sit in the sun till they are dry. In the middle of the day the heat becomes very great. Then parrots fly in the deepest shade. They sit in the trees and sleep. But in the evening, when the sun is going down, they wake up. They eat fruit, go to the water and bathe again. Only after that they go to the rest for the night.
People can tame parrots. The parrot is a very interesting pet, because it can talk.

I. True or false

__1. Parrots live in the fields.

__ 2. In South America winter lasts all year around.

__ 3. Parrots like to bathe.

__ 4. In the middle of the day it is hot.

__ 5. Parrots like to fly in the middle of they day.

__ 6. People can tame parrots.

II. Finish the sentences with the suitable words.

Parrots live …

a) North America; b)South America; c)Africa

Parrots eat …

a) corn; b) nuts; c) fish

When it’s hot they …

a) sleep; b) fly; c) bathe

Parrots wake up …

a) in the morning; b) in the afternoon; c) in the evening

Before going to rest for the night parrots …

a) play; b) fly; c) bathe

The parrot is very interesting pet because it can …

a) play; b) talk; c) sign

III. Answer the question

How long does the summer last there?

What fruit do parrots like best of all?

How long do parrots sit in the after bathing?

IV. Imagine you have a parrot at home. Describe it, what it likes to do and to eat.

The Little Elephant

   This is a story about a little elephant. The little elephant is not happy. He says, “I do not like to work at the circus, I do not want to do trick for children. I want to run away.” So he runs away. He goes to the forest and there he sees a brown bear and says, “How do you do Bear. Do you like here? I like to live in the forest. I want to live in the forest with you.” “All right,” says the brown bear. “But you must prepare for the winter. You must find a hole to sleep in winter.”
The little elephant does not like to work. He does not want to prepare for the winter. So he goes away. He walks and walks. Then he sees a squirrel. So he comes up to the squirrel and says, “How do you do, squirrel! Do you like here? I want to live in the forest with you.” “All right,” says the squirrel! “But you must prepare for the winter, you must gather nuts for the winter.” But the little elephant says, “I don’t want to prepare for the winter. I don’t want to gather nuts for the winter. I don’t want to look for a hole, I don’t want to live in the forest. I want to go home. Home is best.”
  And the little elephant goes back to the circus.

I. Write the correct form of the jumbled words.

Taepnlhe, sucric, rabe, esqrlrui, niwret, moeh

II True or false

1The little elephant is not happy.

2He goes to the wood.

3He sees a brown bear.

4The little elephant is not fond of working.

5Then he sees a squirrel.

6The squirrel says: You must gather nuts and mushrooms.

7The elephant wants to do nothing.

8He returns to the circus.

III. Fill in the suitable words.

He says I do not like _ .

He goes to _ and there he sees _.

he brown _ says the elephant must _.

The little elephant does not want to _ so he _.

IV. Write your opinion.
Do you like to work? Write a few sentences about how do you help your mother about the house.

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