Listening 10 form


Canada covers all of the North American continent to the north of the USA except Alaska and the small French Islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon. It is the second largest country in the world after Russia. But the population of Canada is not very big – only 27,4 million people who live mostly in the south of Canada, along the border of the USA. Canada is bordered by three oceans, the Atlantic, the Arctic, and the Pacific. The capital of the country is Ottawa.
Canada is a nation in North America composed of two linguistic and cultural groups: French and English. To these major groups, and to the small native population of Indians and Eskimos, have been added many thousands immigrants representing the major European cultures. The two official languages of Canada are English and French. In the north of the country there are 330,000 Indians and 25,000 Eskimos who are the original peoples of the North , Central and South America. They have no equal rights with other citizens of the country and they have fought for their rights for many years.
The interior of the country is a vast plain. The plain extends from the Rocky Mountains to the Appalachian Mountains. In the north the plain ends in the islands of the Arctic Ocean. In the south Canada shares the Great Lakes with the United States. The most admirable sight which attracts tourists from all over the world is the Niagara Falls. They are on the Niagara River between the Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.
All parts of the country have cold weather in winter. Winter in Canada lasts from four to five month with heavy snowfalls. Summer is usually warm, though quite short.

I. Find true and false sentences

1) Canada is situated in the south of the North American continent.

2) Alaska is included in the territory of Canada.

3) Canada is the second largest country in the world.

4) It is bordered by two oceans: the Atlantic and the Arctic.

5) The population of Canada is over thirty million people.

6) The capital of the country is Ottawa.

II. Fill in the blanks.

1) Canada is a nation in North America composed of two linguistic and cultural groups: … and … .

2) In the north of the country there are 330,000 … and 25,000 … who are the original peoples of the North , Central and South America.

3) They have no equal … with other … of the country.

4) The interior of the country is a vast … .

5) In the south Canada shares the … … with the United States.

6) The most admirable sight which attracts tourists from all over the world is the … .

III. Answer the questions.

1) Where is Canada situated?

2) What oceans is Canada bordered by?

3) How much is the population?

4) What are the two official languages of the country?

5) Where are the Niagara falls situated?

6) What can you say about the climate of Canada?

IV. Make up a plan to retell the text.


Somebody once asked Mark Twain whether he could remember the first money he ever earned.
"I remember quite well", the famous writer answered. "It happened at school. Schoolboys in those days had very little respect for their teachers and even less for their desks. The boys used pens and pencils and even knives to draw stars and faces, or to write their names on their desks. At last, the school principal said; 'The next time anybody does such thing, he will have to pay five dollars, or he will receive a beating in front of the whole school'.
Soon after that, I had to go to my father and ask him to give me five dollars. I was honest enough to explain that I could agree to receive a beating instead, but he said: 'No, I can't allow you to connect our name with such things. So I'll pay the five dollars. But you must suffer for what you have done. I'll give you the beating here, at home'.
So he beat me, and then gave me the five dollars to take to school. But I decided that the beating didn't hurt so much, and an­other beating at school wouldn't be worse. So I told them to give trie a beating in front of the whole school, and I kept the five dol­lars. And that was the first money I ever earned".

I. Put "+" next to the true sentences and "—" next to the false ones.

1.Mark Twain had to work to earn money when he was a schoolboy.

2.The pupils were punished for drawing and writing on then desks.

3.The pupils had to pay for the desks they had spoilt.

4.The pupils had to pay money instead of getting a beating in front of the school.

5.Mark Twain preferred being beaten to paying.

6.He was suffering hard from the beating he had got in front of the school.

II. Answer the questions

1. What did the boys use their pens, pencils and knives for?

A) to make smth for their friends

B) to play different games

C) to draw or to write on the desks

2. Why did the school principal invent such a strict punishment for student.

A) to make pupils to learn well

B) to stop writing and drawing on the desks

C) to make pupils to do their home task well

3. Why did the boy’s father decide to pay five dollars?

A) he couldn’t allow his son to be beaten in front of the whole school

B) he didn’t want his son to suffer

C) he wanted his son to buy some pens

4. How much money did they have to pay?

A) some dollars

B) five pounds

C) five dollars

5. How did the boy earn the money for the first time?

A) he let him beat

B) he sold food

C) he worked in an office

6. What did he do with the money that father gave him?

A) he spent them

B) he kept them for himself

C) he gave them to his father

III. Give the antonyms to the words







IV. Ask 6 questions to the text

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