Maroon 5 “This Love”

Для повторення та узагальнення граматичних тем «Gerund. Past Participle/Infinitive (with/without TO)», «Prepositions/Particles», «Definite/Indefinite Articles», вивчення нового лексичного матеріалу, розвитку комунікативних навичок та вдосконалення навичок аудіювання з англійської мови я пропоную Вам пісню Maroon 5 “This Love” .

Словничок до пісні:

• Recognize - узнавати, упізнавати

• Whisper - шепіт, поголос; нашіптування, натяк,шелест, шарудіння (листя, вітру);

шептати, говорити пошепки; шушукатися

• Satisfied - задоволений

• Pretending - прикидатися, робити вигляд; симулювати; грати, робити не по-справжньому (у дитячих іграх); прикидатися; удавати з себе

• Fingertip - кінчик пальця

Прослухайте пісню та виконайте наступні завдання:

EXERCISE 1 : Fill the gaps with one of the prepositions, or particles, shown below:

before in into of on to

EXERCISE 2: Fill the gaps with:- THE, A, AN, - .

EXERCISE 1 Maroon 5 “This Love”

I was so high I did not recognize

The fire burning ..........her eyes,

(Nor) The chaos that controlled my mind.

(She) Whispered 'goodbye' and she got ...... a plane;

Never ........... return again,

But always ........... my heart

This love has taken its toll ........... me;

She said 'goodbye' too many times ...........

And her heart is breaking ............ front .......... me.

I have no choice 'cause I

Won't say 'goodbye' anymore.

I tried my best ........... feed her appetite,

Keep her coming every night.

(It was) So hard ........... keep her satisfied;

(She) Kept playing love like it was just a game,

Pretending ........... feel the same,

Then turn around and leave again.

This love has taken its toll ........... me;

She said 'goodbye' too many times ...........

And her heart is breaking .......... front ........... me.

I have no choice, 'cause

I won't say 'goodbye' anymore.

I'll fix these broken things;

(I'll) Repair your broken wings

And make sure everything's alright.

My pressure .......... your hips,

Sinking my fingertips

.......... every inch .......... you,

'Cause I know that's what you want me .......... do.

EXERCISE 2 Maroon 5 “This Love”

I was so high I did not recognize

....... fire burning in her eyes,

(Nor) ....... chaos that controlled my mind.

(She) Whispered ....... 'goodbye' and she got on ....... plane -

Never to return again,

But always in my heart

This love has taken its toll on me;

She said ....... 'goodbye' too many times before

And her heart is breaking in ....... front of me.

I have no choice 'cause I

Won't say ....... 'goodbye' anymore.

I tried my best to feed her appetite,

Keep her coming every night.

(It was) So hard to keep her satisfied;

(She) Kept playing ....... love like it was just ....... game,

Pretending to feel ....... same,

Then turn around and leave again.

This love has taken its toll on me;

She said ....... 'goodbye' ....... too many times before

And her heart is breaking in ....... front of me.

I have no choice, 'cause

I won't say .......'goodbye' anymore.

I'll fix these broken things;

(I'll) Repair your broken wings

And make sure everything's alright.

My pressure on your hips,

Sinking my fingertips

Into every inch of you,

'Cause I know that's what you want me to do

Повний текст пісні Maroon 5 “This Love”

I was so high I did not recognize

The fire burning in her eyes,

(Nor) The chaos that controlled my mind.

(She) Whispered 'goodbye' and she got on a plane;

Never to return again, But always in my heart

This love has taken its toll on me;

She said 'goodbye' too many times before

And her heart is breaking in front of me.

I have no choice 'cause I

Won't say 'goodbye' anymore.

I tried my best to feed her appetite,

Keep her coming every night.

(It was) So hard to keep her satisfied;

(She) Kept playing love like it was just a game,

Pretending to feel the same,

Then turn around and leave again.

This love has taken its toll on me;

She said 'goodbye' too many times before

And her heart is breaking in front of me.

I have no choice, 'cause

I won't say 'goodbye' anymore.

I'll fix these broken things;

(I'll) Repair your broken wings

And make sure everything's alright.

My pressure on your hips,

Sinking my fingertips

Into every inch of you,

'Cause I know that's what you want me to do.

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